Alpha Class

The History of Delta Omicron

When the first Tau Delts (brothers of Tau Delta Phi) entered George Mason’s campus on March 21st, 2009, one of the most extraordinary events occurred, individual and separate lives started to merge. By the inexplicable simplicity of being a brother of Tau Delta Phi, eight founding brothers, and many more after them, started to change. They began to meet the people that would be there at their classes, their graduations, their weddings, and beyond. Because the bonds formed within the Delta Omicron Chapter of Tau Delta Phi does not need time to prove that these friendships, these brothers are not transitory. They are permanent people in our lives by virtue of being a Tau Delt. “He shall not want, as long as I breathe, for he is my brother.” That is our motto and that is our life.

Tau Delta Phi at George Mason is a young fraternity, yet in our time, we have found our voice, our personality, and our brothers. And they hold strong, so much so, that in one year of being a colony; in 2010, the centennial anniversary of Tau Delta Phi; Tau Delts at George Mason gained the approval of the National Chapter to be granted charter status, hence, Delta Omicron Chapter. This is evidence of inherent leadership, motivation, competence, and organization with all its brothers because in a fraternity, nothing is ever done alone. The brotherhood of Tau Delta Phi has endured, persevered, and surpassed expectations from everyone because in a fraternity like Tau Delta Phi, every voice counts, every personality, an advantage, every man, a friend to another.

It seems fitting that March 21st is the first day of the astrological calendar and the first day of Spring because one wonders of the question: what can Tau Delta Phi achieve at its Spring awakening?

Perhaps, a chance for something new, something different, something that lasts through all of life’s seasons.

To be a Tau Delt is to be Great