• I will strive for Academic Achievement and Practice Academic Integrity.
  • I will respect the dignity and worth of all persons.
  • I will protect the health and safety of all human beings.
  • I will respect my property and the property of others. I will neither abuse nor tolerate the abuse of property.
  • I will meet my financial obligations in a timely manner.
  • I will assist in the recruitment of new members.
  • I will neither use nor support the use of illegal drugs. I will neither abuse nor support the abuse of alcohol.
  • I will acknowledge that a clean and attractive environment is essential to both physical and mental health. Therefore, I will do all in my power to see that the chapter property is safe, properly cleaned and maintained.
  • I will know and understand the ideals expressed in my Fraternity ritual, and I will incorporate them into my daily life.
  • I will exercise compassion and understanding in dealing with persons.
  • I will challenge all my fraternity members to abide by these fraternity obligations and will confront those who violate them.